Why use Brown Bitz Moisturiser and tan extender ?
With a hint of Coconut Fragrance This tanning extender and moisturiser does exactly what the name suggests formulated specifically to Moisturise and give you a longer lasting more even fading self tan. This sunless tanning extender has a small Dha Content to help prolong your Brown Bitz tan combined with skin hydrating moisturising Qualities to enable the maximum efficiency longevity and colour of your tan. This is a great retail product to compliment your business with a take home bottle retailing at £12 inc vat per bottle..
Bottle size and amount of applications
The tan extender comes in a 200ml bottle therefore enabling many applications. Apply a thin coat evenly over skin. Repeat every 1-2 days to keep your tan tip top. Use lightly on knees and elbows. Wash hands after use. Avoid contact with clothing until skin is dry. Why not incorporate a take home bottle into a package price ?
Please see our full postage pricing here