Premium professional branded/ or professional non brand spray tanning tent to ensure Quality, choose from options Tanning pop up Booth/tent complete with carry case, This spray tan booth is an Ideal spray tanning tent for home, mobile or salon use, easy wipe. Fully portable, the tent pops up in about 30 seconds and is ready for use immediately. The Tent is flame retardant With clear see through upper side, upper rear and roof ensuring maximum light use, when tanning, The spray tents also have rear flaps for addition of spray tan extraction systems. The video below shows how to put up and put down the spray tan tents rest assured our tents are Professional of the highest quality with sturdy supports, there are many inferior tents currently to market.
Manufactured with ISO 9000 standard
apprx dimensions :- 210cm x 120cm x 120cm (sizes can vary in size between tent batches manufactured)
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